Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

steve jobs

book tittle : steve jobs by walter isaacson
page : 472
penerbit : bentang pustaka
harga : 119.000

sinopsis indonesia : sekarang inilagi cinta2nya dengan buku biografi, udah ada beberapa buku biografi yg sy baca, biografioprah, jakoeb oetama, malcolm x, chairul tanjung, dahlan iskan, blue bird, dan tentu saja buku steve jobs ini. dari semua buku biografi yg sy sebutin tadi, yg paling bagus y buku ini, walopun buku ini tebel. tapiii...sumpsh keren abis. mendetail. karna sang penulis turut serta ikut dalam kehidupan jobs sebelum dy meninggal. well jobs mmng mnta untuk penulis menuliskan biografi dirinya. cerita nya dimulai dari jobs masih kecil, bahkan sblm dy dilahirin, diceritain juga gmn org tua nya bs ktemu sblm akhirnya meninggalkan dirinya. gimana dy mulai putus kuliah, mulai membangun perusahaannya dgn sahabatny yg pintar dan dgn diriny yg ambisius dan emosional, tentang gmn dy akhirnya ngebangun pixar, yg bs ngasilin film2 berkualitas, tentang gima dy berteman, cara dy menghadapi musuh, cara dy berkreatifitas, bekerja, dan semuanya, lengkap kap kap...i just fall in love with this book so much, so inspiring.

english synopsis: now i just love with biography books, i read many biography books, such as oprah, jakoeb oetama, malcolm x, chairul tanjung, dahlan iskan, blue bird, and of course this steve jobs book. from all of biography books i read, this book is my favourite, i love this book so much. even thick, but i swear it's a great book. so detail. the writer is started write this book before jobs died. jobs was order him to write about his biography. the story is started when jobs was kid, when his parents fell in love, and then how they leave him. when he dropped out from university, started his company with his smart bestfriend, otherwise his personality become so ambicious and emotional, about how he built pixar that can make a quality movie, how did he made a friend, how he face his enemy, how does his creativity, worked, and all about him. i just fall in love with this book so much, so inspiring.

i'm sorry if my english still so bad, but this is one thing i can do to make my english better :D

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